Creativity Hack

Tracing Stone, 2021 by Bruce Hale

Last Thursday I met up with my friend Bruce Hale, a brand adviser and designer I was lucky to work with at Panera and who since has become a sounding board and advisor to my own career. He shared an idea that really resonated and inspired me to rethink my creative processes.

We were talking about how, during the pandemic, Bruce picked up his paintbrushes after a long hiatus and began making art. But he initially felt blocked. He had started his career as a professional sign painter. He was “commercial.” Who was he to be a fine artist?

“When I stepped into the world of art, I felt untethered and a bit insecure,” he says. “I found myself playing by rules I perceived existed.”

But in a moment of reflection, Bruce recognized his journey was that of a Folk Artist more than fine artist. With those two words—folk artist—Bruce stepped back into a place where he was fully secure and comfortable. By changing the label he’d made for himself, he immediately changed his perception of the work and gave himself permission to create expressive, original art.

We need more of this thinking! Find the words to give yourself permission to be as creative as you need to be, with no inner critic or judgment. If it takes calling yourself a folk artist to flex your creativity, then do it!

Many writers (myself included) put their talents in a box and disqualify themselves from other styles of writing: “I’m just a blogger.” “I can only write for social.” “I could never write fiction.” Etc. When I wrote The Madcap History of the Skirt in 2008, I thought, “I’m not a real historian” because I didn’t have an advanced degree in fashion history. But readers didn’t care if I had a Ph.D; they just wanted to read fun stories about fashion.

So now, when I’m struggling with words or limiting my potential as a creative, I’ll call myself a folk writer to give myself permission to be as imaginative and free as I need to be.

(For his part, folk artist Bruce Hale has a solo exhibition opening at Museo Gallery on Whidbey Island in November. I’ll be there; I hope to see you!)

Bruce Hale, sharing his wisdom!



A new chapter…


Back from summer holiday